craigtaillefer.comThe Official Blog of Craig A. Taillefer: News, Art, Comics, Music, Ramblings, and more!

Really Late Post TCAF Write-up…

June 16th, 2009

I wish I could say that I had a blast at TCAF, but alas, no.

It had nothing to do with the show itself, which I love, or the organization which is great. The new venue wasn’t as picturesque as the last one, but the location was convenient and the floor layout was better, so no complaints there. It was nice seeing colleagues and friends, and meeting new ones, which is one of the main reasons I like attending shows like TCAF.

The problem was…. I was sick as a dog.

I was recovering from a Chest Cold as the weekend loomed, but I seemed to be better by Friday. I flew in early Saturday morning and was feeling a little under the weather and spent most of the day fairly quiet, but I figured a good night’s sleep and I’d be back in the pink for Sunday. Sadly I was mistaken and I spent Sunday feeling like I was trying to breath under water, and chain-eating fishermen’s friend cough lozenges in attempt to not spend the day in one continuous coughing fit. And near the end of the day I started to get a lower stomach issue, which pretty much had me in agony all day. Well, maybe ‘agony’ is a little melodramatic, but I was not in the best shape, and I pretty much just sat there like a lump waiting for it to be over. I was not the most social person, as talking without coughing was a chore, and my salesmanship was nil.

I never even wandered the floor at any point in time to check out every one’s stuff and to buy and trade. I didn’t buy a single comic! Which tells you how sick I was as that’s my favorite part of any show.

If I managed to infect anyone, friend or fan or casual browser, I am reeeeeeaaaaaly sorry!

Hopefully I’ll be a little healthier next time!

TCAF – Toronto Comic Arts Festival: May 9-10

May 5th, 2009

Hey all.

I’m finally breaking my writers block and posting to the blog. It’ll be a short post, but as I’m appearing at TCAF in Toronto this upcoming weekend, I thought I should at least mention it here.

So, if you are in the neighborhood stop by and say hello. I’ll have a few copies of Comic Book Tattoo for sale as well as copies of Wahoo Morris Book 1 for sale in case you don’t have one yet.

I didn’t have any plans for any conventions this year, but I enjoyed the last TCAF too much to stay home this time around.

Some Random Thoughts on The Rendez-Vous…

October 31st, 2008

It’s been a few days since the Rendez-Vous came to a close, and I’m still having trouble distilling my thoughts into anything more than fractured moments from the weekend. The whole experience was so alien to the usual North American comic convention experience. It was exhausting, as all public appearances are, but it was such an inspiring event for so many reasons.

I don’t even know where to begin. We, the invited artists, were treated wonderfully. In the French speaking market, comics is truly considered an art form as well as popular culture, and it was eye opening to see people of all-ages, children especially, all interested in buying books and speaking with the authors and artists. While Salgood Sam and I, the two Anglo guests, did not have quite the same interest from the public as the artists from the Franco-Belgian market, we did receive a lot of interest, much more than I would normally get at a super-hero dominated comic convention. It was like an SPX, but free to the public, in a National museum, with gallery showings, and galas in conjunction with the French, Belgian, and Swiss Embassies, a lot of wine and cheese, and dinners and parties every night.

We weren’t worked too hard. Every guest was booked for two events a day. Either two two hour signing blocks, or a signing block and a presentation of some sort. On my first day I was driven to the University de Quebec en L’Outaouais for a meet and greet. Along with Delaf et Dubuc, I was presented to a gathering of students in the Bande Dessine program for a question and answer period. The questions tended to be more about the career of art than technical questions. Questions like, “How important is networking in getting work and maintaining a career?” came up a few times over the weekend.
On Saturday I had a half hour live drawing presentation, where I drew on stage while being interviewed by Tom Fowler. I think it went fairly well, and Salgood Sam filmed a good portion of it, though the English presentations tended to have very small audiences. On Sunday I was booked for “Masters at Work” where I had an hour to do a large illustration on canvas. It was just done in a corner of the Festival space, but I would occasionally step back to get a better look at the canvas and realize that there was a circle of people watching. I had quite the audience throughout most of the hour.

Aside from the daily Festival events, there were a number of other special events after hours. Thursday it was the opening ceremonies at the museum followed by a wine reception. Then it was off to dinner with the invited artists and the organizers and friends of the Festival.
Friday evening there was an unveiling of an art show sponsored by the French Embassy at the Alliance Francais of the works of Phillipe Aymond. There was more wine and cheese!
On Saturday evening there was the unveiling of the Tout Spirou collection at the Universite de Quebec en Outaouais. Basically, a gentleman had collected the entire run of Spirou, going back to 1938, and had donated the collection to the University library. There was much wine and cheese! Then it was off to the offices of the Salon de Livre, a huge heritage building in Gatineau that was the original Mayor of Ottawa’s summer home, for a pot luck dinner of traditional Quebecois food. It was at this event that I truly understood just what Paul Roux, the coordinator of the Festval, meant when he told me that the purpose of the show was to create a family. It truly was a big family dinner full of warm, fun, and inclusive people.

I think this is where the show had the most profound effect on me, on a personal level. I have Francophone roots, but that side of my heritage has been long lost. My dad was raised English, a result of the school board system in Cornwall where he grew up. My grandfather died when I was three, leaving an Anglo family behind, so I grew up with no direct connection to the Francophone side of my family. Those roots are something I’ve always felt, but aside from 4 years of French Immersion during middle school and early High School and an interest in French Bande Dessine, I’ve really had little direct exposure to that side of my heritage. The experience has really solidified a desire to reconnect with that side of my roots. I’m not really sure how I’m going to do that, aside from taking a French course or two and reading more Bande Dessine of course.

All in all, it was a wonderful experience, and I am sold on the Festival. They do not book the same artists two years in a row, but I offered to help out in any way that I can next year, simply to be involved.

A la prochaine!

* All photos are by Salgood Sam. You can see a document of the show in Salgood Sam’s Flicker Set.

9th Rendez-vous international de la BD de Gatineau

October 23rd, 2008

I’m getting ready to head out to the Museum of Civilization in Gatineau. For the next 4 days I will be a guest of the 9th Rendez-Vous International de la BD de Gatineau.

I’ll be at the Festival doing signings, live drawing presentations, and a few other events. I also have an exhibition in the gallery section. About 30 pieces of original art will be on display, so drop on by. It’s FREE.

The full press kit follows the cut.

Read the rest of this entry »

It feels like fall…

October 1st, 2008

It’s a wet and gray first day of October. Which is on par for the rest of the non-summer we have had here in Ottawa. Not that I would have had time to take advantage any nice weather had we had it, mind you. The hammock hung empty, and the garden lay untended for much of the summer.

Since early May I’ve been drawing storyboards for TV cartoons, which has kept me pretty busy. I took a two week road trip/ vacation in July, but I didn’t reduce my workload so I ended up working compressed hours for three weeks before and three weeks after to allow me the time off.

Storyboards is a new-ish venture for me. I did a handful at the beginning of my time in animation, but shifted into key animation and then character design. I honestly didn’t think I had what it took to do them, but I was looking around for work in animation over the winter, and there wasn’t much available I was qualified for, so when the opportunity to do boards came up I took the plunge. It’s not the easiest work I’ve ever done, but I really enjoyed the first show I worked on, and I’m beginning to get the hang of it, slowly but surely.

The end result is that I haven’t had the time for any comic work for the past five months. I’ve spent the odd hour here or there, when I needed a break, working on pencils for Chapter 7 of Wahoo Morris, though the final pages of Chapter 6 still need a few odds and ends before they are finished.

I finish up my current storyboard in two weeks, then, who knows? I have a few leads, and a few potential projects, but nothing definite for a few months. If I can, I will finish up what I can of Wahoo Morris before the next contract starts, whatever and whenever that will be.