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Archive for the ‘publishing’ Category

Happy New Year!

Tuesday, January 9th, 2018

Happy New Year to one and all!

I’ve been back at work for a week and have been ticking tasks off the to-do list for getting the Wahoo Morris Kickstarter fulfilled.

The bookmarks arrived yesterday to go alongside the Bookplates that arrived before Christmas.


I think the actual book itself is done, as of yesterday.

Though I will probably triple check all the files a couple more times before sending everything to the printer. It’s been a while since I’ve done this so I want to make sure the colour separations and trapping is all done properly. I don’t want any spelling mistakes or printing boo-boos to suddenly appear when i get the book back from the printer.


After I send the book to the printer, the mini-poster will be the only physical thing left to get done before shipping out rewards to the Kickstarter backers.

It’s getting close!

Kickstarter Success!

Tuesday, December 12th, 2017

The Wahoo Morris Kickstarter was a success.

The final tally came in at $3763 with the support of 89 backers.

I couldn’t be happier with the result, and wish I could thank everyone who pledged, shared and tweeted in person. I couldn’t have done it without you!

So, WAHOO MORRIS Book 2 will be going to print the first week of January.

I expect to have the books in my hand in mid to late February, and I will add them to the store as soon as all the pledge rewards have been sent out to all the backers.



Kickstarter is a GO!

Friday, November 10th, 2017

I launched my Kickstarter to fund the printing of Wahoo Morris Book 2 yesterday.

So far so good! Kickstarter labelled it as a “Project We Love” and in 24 hours I was able to fund 37%.

Still a long way to go, though, so please check it out, and if you can share the link with friends you think might be interested or on Social Media I would be eternally grateful. 🙂


And, a preview of the two books for sale/pre-sale:


Stay Tuned……

Thursday, May 11th, 2017


The Store is Now Open!

Friday, November 30th, 2007

I didn’t expect to have it finished quite so soon, but the new store is now open.

I built it using a separate WordPress install, so items are added as posts and are organized by product category. Once the theme had been adapted for the store’s look and functionality, it only took the addition of an item in each major category to test it out. At the moment I still have a lot of items to add, and several years worth of original art to catalogue and price, but everything available in the TooHipGottaGo store is available here.

It’s fully searchable and I think fairly intuitively organized. We’ll see how functional it is when I’ve got several hundred pieces of original artwork added to the database!

Check it out and let me know what you think.