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Archive for the ‘publishing’ Category

WebStore Updated!

Thursday, January 2nd, 2025

It took me a ridiculously long time to get around to it, but I’ve finally put Thrilling Tales of Vistas Unknown up on the Store and made sure a few other stray items were updated.

One of these days I’ll get around to adding in limited edition items like signed copies of Dead Boy Detectives and Books of Magic and some original art.

Thrilling Tales of VISTAS UNKNOWN Kickstarter Funded!

Monday, June 24th, 2024

The Kickstarter closed on June 20th and it was a rousing success!

I had modest hopes going in as I haven’t run one in quite a while, but the campaign had an amazing 277 backers and overfunded by 1100%!


If you missed it, it’s not too late. Kickstarter now allows late pledges and the basic pledge levels are still open and accepting pledges.

We passed all the stretch goals I set, so as well as the Comic Book and Artbook, backers who pledged for either version of the comic will also get 4 6×9 art prints.

There was also a Variant Cover unlocked halfway through, but it is now gone. I may have a few left over once the campaign is fulfilled, but it was a limited edition for the campaign only.

I’ve got a lot of work to do this week to get the comic and bonus posters ready for the printer. I’ll post again once the comic has been printed and added to the on-line store!

It’s been an all-consuming thing for the last few weeks, and I’m kind of exhausted, but I’m excited about the possibilities and I’m already starting to think about the next comic release/kickstarter campaign coming this fall!

Wahoo Morris Book 2 in Previews!

Thursday, March 29th, 2018

The new Diamond Previews catalog came out yesterday with Wahoo Morris Book 2 listed for preorder and Book 1 offered again.

If you aren’t familiar with it, Previews is the product catalog for items available for order to any Comic Book Shop worldwide that carries North American comics.

I was pleasantly surprised to find Book 2 was a spotlight item on the order page and that it got a write up as a staff pick!

Very cool!

If you missed out on the Kickstarter (or wanted to avoid shipping charges) you can now preorder both books at your favorite Comic Shop with the order codes below.

The Mountain Gets A New Name!

Thursday, February 8th, 2018

For a number of years I have jokingly referred to the tower of overstock books and comics in the basement as the “Mountain Of Broken Dreams”.

For a long time the dream of being a successful self publisher/comic creator seemed out of reach and the sheer volume of dead stock in the basement was a daily reminder.

Tuesday night, in anticipation of the new books arriving, I removed all the boxes from the pallet in the basement and reorganized and re-stacked them. I put the boxes of single comics to the side and lay down two solid layers of Wahoo Morris Book One boxes on the pallet and a single row on top near the back end. Then I re-stacked the dead-stock single comics as an end cap at the back in one teetering row with my 4 remaining boxes of the Free Comic Day Book easily accessible.

Today I filled in the space with three layers of Wahoo Morris Book 2 and put my active convention stock boxes on top. As is, I can access a good chunk of all the different books I’ll need without having to go digging. Previously all my Free Comic Book Day Books were on the very bottom of the stack! Very poor planning.

So, now the mountain needs a new name as it is no longer a “Mountain of Broken Dreams” and is instead a mountain of saleable books. It might take me a few years, but the only thing stopping me from whittling the pile down is my sales technique! Now there is only a teetering and towering “End-Cap of Broken Dreams”, but I’ll eventually use all those books as give-away teasers, so they’ll go too!

I now see a “Mountain of Possibilities”.

And I’m starting to plan the next layer!

Books, Books, and More Books!

Wednesday, February 7th, 2018

The Books came today!

Well, yesterday actually, as I am writing this Tuesday afternoon, but let’s not complicate things! 🙂

The truck arrived just after breakfast delivering 1300 copies of WAHOO MORRIS Book 2 in 21 boxes. They are going in the basement with the rest of my stock, so I had them drop the pallet on the driveway and I carried them in one box at a time.

It’s a feeling that never gets old, holding a book you created in your hands for the first time.
And, while I’m having the usual feelings of insecurity over the quality of the story and art (all artists deep down fear that they are actually terrible), I’m pretty happy with the way the books look and turned out.

I think it’s a nice looking book if I do say so myself and the prettiest package I’ve ever turned out! 🙂

Now, I have to figure out what to do with all these books!

I’ll be shipping out Kickstarter rewards starting this week, but that’s only going to account for a tiny fraction of the print run.

I’m currently working on getting the books into comic shops, but that’s a few months away.

In the meantime I have to store them. Ack!