craigtaillefer.comThe Official Blog of Craig A. Taillefer: News, Art, Comics, Music, Ramblings, and more!

Archive for the ‘Comics’ Category

More New Comics!

Wednesday, November 27th, 2019

It’s New Comic Book Day again!

So the Books Of Magic gig is going well. I finished Issue 15 two weeks ago and I should be starting to work on issue 16 later this week.

In the mean time, issue 13 came out last month  (the final Vertigo comic) and issue 14 comes out today!

It’s the first issue under the DC/Black Label imprint (which changes nothing about the production or the book) and features John Constantine in his 3rd appearance since rejoining the Sandman Universe!

It was a lot of fun to work on.

Check it out here!

It’s New Comic Book Day!

Wednesday, September 25th, 2019

It’s New Comic Book Day!

And I’ve got a book out in comic book shops for the first time in a while.

My name didn’t make it on the cover (I was a last minute pinch-hitter, inking the last 5 pages) but I got credit on the Comixology page, and I’m the regular finisher/inker for a run starting with issue 13.

And… I’m still a little mind-blown that I made it into a Vertigo book before the Imprint is retired next year!

Super happy right now!

Finished Inks!

Monday, June 4th, 2018

And… here are the finished inks to the last story in my upcoming Anthology “The Turning & Other Stories”, collecting my short stories from Mythography and The Forbidden Book among a few unpublished stories from the same era.

Wahoo Morris Book 2 in Previews!

Thursday, March 29th, 2018

The new Diamond Previews catalog came out yesterday with Wahoo Morris Book 2 listed for preorder and Book 1 offered again.

If you aren’t familiar with it, Previews is the product catalog for items available for order to any Comic Book Shop worldwide that carries North American comics.

I was pleasantly surprised to find Book 2 was a spotlight item on the order page and that it got a write up as a staff pick!

Very cool!

If you missed out on the Kickstarter (or wanted to avoid shipping charges) you can now preorder both books at your favorite Comic Shop with the order codes below.

Old Ideas & New Art

Friday, March 23rd, 2018

I’ve been on a pin-up kick since finishing up and getting Wahoo Morris Book 2 printed.

The impetus started as an exercise in staying busy while sick with the flu, then it just became an exercise in fun while playing around with some styles I haven’t tackled in a while.

Continuing the theme of my last post, all of the pieces I have been working on have been finishing up earlier ideas and sketches.

The following three pin-ups (now finished) were all rough sketches that I was going to include as-is in my upcoming art book. While I was on the kick I figured why not finish them off.

Now that they are done I thought it might be interesting to show what the old pieces looked like before “finishing” them!

The Conan and John Carter sketches date back to 2010 when I was attempting to follow along with the ComicTwart sketch blog and was actively keeping a digital sketchbook.

The Tarzan/La of Opar piece was on the back of a location design from one of the animation studios I worked at in the early aughts, so it is the oldest unfinished idea I’ve used.

I have dozens of similar pin-up ‘ideas’ scribbled on layouts and in workbooks going back to the beginning of my career, so I could keep this process up for months, but I think it’s time to get back to some sequential story pages.

Whether I continue/finish any of the partially done stories in my archives, or start something brand new is a decision I’ll probably wait to make until Monday morning!