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Archive for the ‘Comics’ Category

Free Comic Book Day Signing.

Thursday, May 3rd, 2007

FREE COMIC BOOK DAY is right around the corner, and on the day I will be setting up shop at THE COMIC BOOK SHOPPE 2 (228 Bank Street Ottawa, Ontario) from 11-5.

I will be signing copies of the WAHOO MORRIS FREE COMIC BOOK DAY Edition 2007 to anyone who shows up. There will be plenty of copies to go around, so do drop on by, say hi, get a free copy, and get it signed.

I will be joined by 3 other local comics creators; Tom Fowler (Mad Magazine, Caper, Green Arrow), Jack Briglio (Growing Up Enchanted), and Kevin Mason (Sleeping Dragons).

So drop by THE COMIC BOOK SHOPPE 2 on Saturday May 5th to see what the Ottawa comics community has to offer.

Free Comic Book Day Print Run.

Wednesday, March 21st, 2007

I received the proofs for the Wahoo Morris Free Comic Book today. Everything looks good, so I gave the go ahead to the printer to print the final comics.

I also set the final print run at 12000 copies. I know for a FCBD book that that is on the low side, but it is the largest single print run I have ever done of any book I have published, so I’m a little mind-boggled by the number.

In a few weeks those comics will be handed out free to Free Comic Book Day patrons in several countries. Here’s hoping a good percentage of those readers come back for more of the story! A five percent return will make me more than happy with the results of the promotion.

Look for the book at participating comic shops on May 5th!

Free Comic Book Day

Wednesday, March 14th, 2007

Free Comic Book Day this year is saturday May 5th, and WAHOO MORRIS is one of the participating comics.

WAHOO MORRIS FCBD edition ’07 is a 32 page re-print of the original Wahoo Morris #1, and is the perfect teaser introduction to the WAHOO MORRIS tradepaperback series. There is also a 2 page Butternut Squash short and a selection of advertising from small indie publishers.

If you want to give WAHOO MORRIS a try, and would like a copy of the Free WAHOO MORRIS FCBD edtion, please let your favorite retailer know you want a copy before the end of this week. It can be easily ordered with the order code FEB07 0048.



Friday, January 12th, 2007


Shirt Features Popular Online Daily Comic Strip “THE CHELATION KID”

The National Autism Association is selling t-shirts featuring the online daily comic strip, THE CHELATION KID. Written by Robert Tinnell and illustrated by Craig Taillefer, THE CHELATION KID is a free daily online comic strip which chronicles the real-life efforts of Tinnell and his wife to recover their son from autism.

The daily strip is featured on several sites – in both the comic and autism web communities – and has generated acclaim and spirited discussions in many different segments of society. With TCK, Tinnell, an Eisner Award-nominee for previous work, has received a volume of feedback he never before experienced as his regular comic readers are joined by many new viewers from the autism community and the populace as a whole.

The idea to offer a T-Shirt as a fundraiser developed along with the enthusiastic reaction the strip has received.

“The National Autism Association is grateful to Robert Tinnell for the opportunity to offer The Chelation Kid T-shirts in our online store”, said Ann Brasher, Vice President of NAA and founder of the ChelatingKids Yahoo! Listserve for parents. “The Chelation Kid comic strip is a wonderful way of promoting the message that Autism is a treatable disorder and there is hope for the one in 166 children affected in the United States.” Proceeds from the T-Shirt sales will benefit NAA’s research and family care programs. The URL for shirt orders is

“We weren’t prepared for the passionate reaction TCK generated – attracting thousands of new readers to comics through our outreach to the autism community,” said Tinnell. “To see your characters and story getting this kind of reaction, and to see that reaction put to use for a cause I very much believe in, to me that’s a big deal.”

THE CHELATION KID is updated every weekday and can be seen on a variety of sites including, www.webcomicsnation,, and The strip is currently re-running the first several episodes, with new strips starting up again on January 22, 2007. THE CHELATION KID is also available, for free, to anyone who would like to carry it on their site through ‘tooncasting. All one must do is simply paste in this code:

The mission of the National Autism Association is to educate and empower families affected by autism and other neurological disorders, while advocating on behalf of those who cannot fight for their own rights. We will educate society that autism is not a lifelong incurable genetic disorder but one that is biomedically definable and treatable. We will raise public and professional awareness of environmental toxins as causative factors in neurological damage that often results in an autism or related diagnosis. We will encourage those in the autism community to never give up in their search to help their loved ones reach their full potential, funding efforts toward this end through appropriate research for finding a cure for the neurological damage from which so many affected by autism suffer.

A working screenwriter, Tinnell is best known to comics fans as a writer of horror graphic novels such as THE BLACK FOREST (co-written with Todd Livingston and drawn by Neil Vokes) and the recently-released SIGHT UNSEEN (with artist Bo Hampton) as well as the Eisner-nominated FEAST OF THE SEVEN FISHES. A visit to covers Tinnell’s comic output in greater detail.

Taillefer has branched out from comics to work in TV animation, although he continues to produce his popular WAHOO MORRIS webcomic among other projects. For more information visit

Some more Cleopatra art…

Tuesday, December 19th, 2006

A few more pages from Cleopatra, fresh off the scanner…