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Archive for the ‘Comics’ Category

Another Page of Wahoo Morris Pencils!

Tuesday, January 15th, 2008

Here’s this week’s Wahoo Morris page in pencil form. I’ll be inking this page today, so head over to Wahoo Morris dotCom tomorrow to see the final result.


Too Much Detail?

Sunday, January 13th, 2008

One of the dangers of working digitally is the ability to infinitely zoom in and work hyper-detailed on the small stuff. I try to work as zoomed out as possible to keep a balance, but this days episode called for quite a lot of detail in the backgrounds and I went a little overboard. I had actually drawn the far side of the street (with houses, and trees, and clouds in the sky) on the final panel before I realized what I was doing.

Sanity prevailed during the inking stage, but I was close to poking my eyes out before I was done this one.

Too much detail or not, I’m pretty pleased with the end result of this one.


And Now For The Inks!

Thursday, January 10th, 2008

I’m moving a little slower on the inks this week than normal. I think I’m being a little too precious with the art, seeing as it is mine from the ground up this time around.

Anyhoo, here is the ‘inked’ version of yesterdays ‘pencilled’ page.


More Mighty Motor Sapiens!

Wednesday, January 9th, 2008

It turns out I’m pencilling week 22 from scratch this week. So, here is my “pencils” for week 22 day 1.

I can’t quite pencil as cleanly digitally as I can on paper, but for me the whole advantage of going digital is that I can skip the clean pencil stage and do a lot of my drawing in “ink”.

I’ll post the inks for comparison when they are done.


Mighty Motor Sapiens Pencil & Ink!

Friday, January 4th, 2008

As some of you might already know, I have been inking the Mighty Motor Sapiens for Rowdy dotCom for several months now. It started out being pencilled by Daniel Krall and then switched to Matt Plog with week 9.

Matt’s been sick, and with the holiday crunch I was asked to do the pencils as well from Matt’s layouts to help get us caught up. I’ve been inking the strip digitally since week 9, so I did the ‘pencils’ that way as well.

Here’s examples of two days of pencils with their accompanying inks.