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Archive for the ‘Comics’ Category

Today’s Pencils!

Monday, January 28th, 2008

Here’s the rough pencils I just finished for The Mighty Motor-Sapiens week 25 day 01. The plan is to ink it this evening after finishing up the animation story-board test I’m working on.


Late Start!

Thursday, January 24th, 2008

I’m getting a late start on this week’s Mighty Motor-Sapiens. Normally I would be inking the second day’s strip by this time of the week, but because of the Microsoft gig I got started a day late and I’ve only finished the pencils to the first 4 days.

I should get the fifth one pencilled by 1 or two and then on to the inks!

*Edited 8:41 P.M. to add day 5!*


Busy, Busy Week!

Tuesday, January 22nd, 2008

Busy, busy, busy!

Things have definitely ramped up this month. I’ve been working pretty much 7 days a week since well before Christmas routinely from 9 A.M. until well after 10 or 11 P.M.

So, what have I been working on?

The weekend before Christmas I began to pencil The Mighty Motor-Sapiens from Matt Plog’s layouts, but with week 22, on January 7th I began pencilling the daily strip from scratch. I finished up week 23 on Friday morning only to dive into a last minute rush job doing pencils and inks on three days of a new daily webcomic for Microsoft. After a few rounds of revisions I finished that up late last night and dove back into week 24 of the Mighty Motor-Sapiens.

That contract wraps up in less than 5 weeks with the completion of week 28, so I’ve been on the lookout for more work. I might have something as an animation studio contacted me last night about doing a test for a storyboard position. I don’t know when the production would start or how long it would last, but I get the test tomorrow, so the rest of the week and weekend is going to be filled up with Mighty Motor-Sapiens and doing the test.

Oh yeah, I’m also drawing a 5 page story (written by Jim Bricker) for inclusion in Comic Book Tatoo, an anthology of stories inspired by the songs of Tori Amos coming from Image Comics this summer, and the rough pencils are due on the 1st of February. I’ve got to shoot some reference photos tomorrow and start solidifying the doodles I’ve done into something a little more visually pleasing. The final coloured art is due the beginning of April, so things aren’t likely to let up any time soon.

And, of course I’ve continued to work on Wahoo Morris, cleaning up the roughs into pencils, lettering, and inking a page a week. Though, Wahoo Morris is suffering at the moment. With the animation test this week I just couldn’t afford to put anymore time into this week’s page after getting it lettered and cleaned up. I’ll be posting pencils only tomorrow, and probably next week too. Hopefully inks should return on the 6th of February.

I’ll be going skiing on the second, which will end up being my first full day off since Christmas day! Then back to work!!

Busy, busy, busy

This Week’s Wahoo Morris

Tuesday, January 22nd, 2008


Lizards Hatch!

Friday, January 18th, 2008

I finished up this day of Mighty Motor Sapiens this morning. This afternoon I’m moving on to a quick one-off corporate gig which I’ll talk about once I’m allowed to!
