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Archive for the ‘Comics’ Category

Wahoo Morris Page 153 Pencils!

Thursday, October 8th, 2009

Another page of digital pencils. This one was done in July. I’m currently working on page 159 but my productivity slowed to a crawl when I started my current storyboarding gig. I went from a page a day to a panel or two a week. But – unlike other ‘breaks’ I’m still plugging away. And my current schedule has a week off after every two boards, so I’m hoping I’ll be able to play catch up during the weeks off. I’m still hoping   to have the pencils complete early in the new year and inks done by mid-summer.

I’ve hit the part of the story where I really can’t show full pages without spoilers, so from now on it’ll be a panel here and there for show and tell.

Wahoo Morris Pencils…

Thursday, June 25th, 2009

And… here’s page 144, drawn in Manga Studio:

Some digital pencils…

Thursday, June 18th, 2009

I’m slowly working my way through the final 70 pages of Wahoo Morris. I roughed them out in a space of a few weeks, and I’m now in the process of cleaning them up. My original plan was to just get the basic construction done digitally, then print them out, slap them on the light table, and do the clean drawing on the final Strathmore before lettering and inking.

My ‘roughs’ are turning out pretty close to finished pencils, so I’m thinking, instead of wasting time tracing them on the the light table I might buy myself a large format printer and just print them out in blue line and ink directly over that after the odd touch up with pencil.

Anyhoo, that’s still a decision for a few weeks at least into the future. In the mean time, here’s a random page of digital pencils.

9th Rendez-vous international de la BD de Gatineau

Thursday, October 23rd, 2008

I’m getting ready to head out to the Museum of Civilization in Gatineau. For the next 4 days I will be a guest of the 9th Rendez-Vous International de la BD de Gatineau.

I’ll be at the Festival doing signings, live drawing presentations, and a few other events. I also have an exhibition in the gallery section. About 30 pieces of original art will be on display, so drop on by. It’s FREE.

The full press kit follows the cut.


MIGHTY MOTOR SAPIENS gets Harvey Award Nomination!

Wednesday, June 18th, 2008

The 2008 Harvey Award Nominees were announced today, and the MIGHTY MOTOR SAPIENS got a nomination in the ‘best syndicated panel or strip category’.

It goes without saying that I’m thrilled. Since my ‘return’ to comics I’ve been involved in 2 self-syndicated on-line strips, and now both of them have received HArvey Award nominations!

I had initially intended to avoid conventions this year, but it looks likely that I will attempt to attend The Baltimore convention after all. I had a good time at the awards ceremony last year, and how often do you get nominated for awards anyway. Okay, yeah, two years in row so far. I’m not counting on a hat-trick next year!

Here’s the Official Announcement cribbed from the Harvey Awards website after the cut: (more…)