Archive for November, 2007
Trying Again!
Tuesday, November 13th, 2007Okay, so after a few days of farting around with testing this site over at Too Hip Gotta Go Graphics, I decided to try one last thing here before giving up.
I wiped the old installation of WordPress, created a new database, and installed a new WordPress on this server in it’s own dedicated directory. I built all the links, imported in all of the previous posts, then moved the index page down a level changing the appropriate links, and here we are.
I’ve got my fingers crossed. I’m going to use this install until something happens. If you continue to get the ‘access violation’ error messages, please let me know.
Now, back to work on tomorrow’s Wahoo Morris page.
Some More Wahoo Morris Art
Friday, November 9th, 2007If you’ve been following along with the regular Wahoo Morris updates, then you’ve already seen this.
If not, then here is my latest Wahoo Morris page. I’ve been updating regularly every Wednesday since August 1st.
I Give Up
Friday, November 9th, 2007I’m going to run this site using the default them for a little while to see if I get the same errors.
Double Sigh… so much for creative freedom.
One More Test Post
Friday, November 9th, 2007This time I’m testing to see if the date and time stamp is working correctly.
I’m still getting tons of PHP Access Violation errors on this server. The server is telling me it’s probably my theme and not their server that’s at fault. I’m a little sceptical. This server is runnin a wndows 2003 server and I mainly signed up because they are cheap and, at the time I wasn’t running any databases for the two domains on this server. TooHipGottaGoGraphics.com is running on a different, Apache, server, mainly because at the time I started it I wanted to run a shopping cart and a message board. So, I’m running this theme over there at http://www.toohipgottagographics.com/WordPress for a few weeks to see if I get the same access errors on an Apache server. If not, and the errors continue over here, it will be time to find a new server for this website.