craigtaillefer.comThe Official Blog of Craig A. Taillefer: News, Art, Comics, Music, Ramblings, and more!

Monkeying Around With WordPress!

If you’ve been by the site more than once today, you may have noticed the WordPress themes changing, and a slow evolution of the design of the site. I’m going to be moving the links that were on the left up to the top as I slowly recreate all of that content using WordPress. I’ll probably still have a few static html pages up, but I’m going to try to get as much of it upgraded to Web 2.0 as I can.

Thanks for your patience.

One Response to “Monkeying Around With WordPress!”

  1. Von Allan Says:

    I hate Web 2.0. I really do. I don’t even think I understand Web 2.0 and that probably explains my hate. But that’s ok. I know I hate it.

    Just saying! 🙂
